2024年1月29日👨🏻🌾,我校杏运娱乐張金林教授團隊在環境科學權威國際期刊Science of the Total Environment(中國科杏运娱乐一區TOP,IF=9.8)上在線發表了題為“Establishment of an indirect competitive immunoassay for the detection of dicamba based on a highly specific nanobody”的研究論文👮♂️,研究報道了一種基於納米抗體進行環境中除草劑麥草畏檢測的新方法👳🏻♂️,為該除草劑的合理安全使用提供技術支撐。我校杏运娱乐農藥系霍靜倩副教授和張金林教授為共同通訊作者,論文第一作者是霍靜倩副教授指導的2022級碩士研究生王雅森🗺🆖。研究工作得到國家自然科學基金(32102246🦸🏿,32272573),河北省自然科學基金(C2023204073)🏦🦚,河北省重點研發計劃項目(22326512D),河北省現代農業產業技術體系玉米創新團隊(HBCT2023020201)和河北農業大學引進人才科研啟動經費(YJ201963)的資助。
麥草畏是一種傳統的高效低毒除草劑🫙,近年來隨著耐麥草畏轉基因作物的開發而獲得了新生➾。然而,麥草畏揮發性強🏋️♀️,容易對敏感作物造成漂移藥害。此外👩🎤,麥草畏的殘留還會影響水生生物的遺傳毒性,造成DNA單鏈斷裂🎉。鑒於此🤱🏼,開發高效靈敏的檢測方法對於現場監測環境中的痕量麥草畏及其漂移藥害評估至關重要。本研究團隊前期通過半抗原合理設計獲得性能優異的麥草畏多克隆抗體(J.Agric.Food Chem.2019,67,5711-5719)。由於納米抗體較傳統抗體在穩定性和特異性等方面具有一定優勢🥇,且目前缺乏基於納米抗體的麥草畏檢測分析方法。在前期研究基礎上,本研究論文通過對駱駝進行免疫和噬菌體展示文庫構建等方法,成功獲得了能夠特異性識別麥草畏的納米抗體,並構建了基於納米抗體的間接競爭性免疫分析方法,IC50為0.93 μg/mL,線性範圍為0.11~8.01 μg/mL。
Fig.1. (A) The best combination of immunogen and coating antigen used in this study; (B) The titer of camelid antiserum, the concentration of different coating antigens was 1 μg/mL; (C) Inhibition of free dicamba (1 μg/mL) to different concentration of camelid antiserum, hapten 24-OVA (with different concentration) was employed for coating antigen; (D) The standard curve of ic-ELISA based on polyclonal antiserum, with the IC50 value of 15.8μg/mL.
Fig. 2. Standard curve of ic-ELISA based on the isolated three nanobodies, with the IC50value of 0.89 μg/mL, 1.01 μg/mL, and 5.21 μg/mL, respectively; Standard curve for dicamba by ic-ELISA based on Nb-242. Serial dilutions of dicamba standard were mixed with Nb-242 in optimized buffer. Then 100 μL of the mixtures were added to the coating antigen-coated wells. Each point represents the mean value of three replicates.
Table 1. Cross-reactivity of the Nb-242 and polyclonal antibody against dicamba structural analogs
Table 2. Spike-recovery results for tap water and soil samples determined by ELISA and HPLC
Fig. 3. The results of homologous modeling and molecular docking. (A) The three-dimensional structure of Nb-242 obtained by homologous modeling; (B) The recognition mode between Nb-242 and dicamba in 3D docking plot